Business Details

***** Simple Operating Cafe *****

Listing Summary
CategoriesCafe & Cafe Bar
Business ID1877
Asking price$80000
Avg. weekly takings$10000

A well established and beautifully presented business, located in a great residential area.


* Operating 5 days Only!

* A significant amount of coffee 15 kg per week. Plus hot choc, chai and teas!

* Taking a  $10,000 PW.

* Secure lease with a Cheap rent $1600 Per Month.

* Very low overheads & very profitable.

* Lots of room for someone to bring it to the next level.

* Simple to run and easy to operate, suitable for a new or experienced business owner.


For More Information, Please call Masih on 0419 799 992 or 03 5241 4111